Upcoming HEART in the HOUSE Concerts
Watch for announcements and be sure to get your name on the MAILING LIST
Sandy is currently assessing various house concert Host Locations & contacting our most talented artists in the community.
Each performer will be pared with a home(owner) to create a great experience for everyone and creating a different flavor.
Sandy believes that moving away from a competitive model into a co-operative model especially in the arts is imperative to continued growth and connection in our communities.
With this in mind Scheduled Concerts will not only include those that she is organizing but also any other house concerts that she is aware of. The goal is to get more performers performing and exposing more people to this great opportunity to experience music in this great format.
With this in mind Scheduled Concerts will not only include those that she is organizing but also any other house concerts that she is aware of. The goal is to get more performers performing and exposing more people to this great opportunity to experience music in this great format.